These old legs have served me well they’ve carried me far from where I've dwelled. Rain or shine it matters not. They’ll keep on going until they stop. I have been half way round this world of ours, documenting, people, mountains, churches and towers, there is so much more I want to see but so few remaining hours to be.
I have never been to Greece or Southeast, never been to Peru or Indonesia, I hope there is time to take these quests but I am slowing down and need to rest. It has been a pleasure to document my life, I have had good fortune and had lots of strife. I have seen some things that I did not like but most of it has been so right.
I hope my work can influence you, to show you where we are going too. I come from a time so long ago, the change is what I want to show. It is now up to you to make the decision, if you like where we are at and all the derision, that is being said by politicians to widen the gap and make more divisions.
The world is getting smaller, there are no more borders to separate, just that we are taught to hate if is not like us it cannot be great. We need to think before it is too late and try to understand and not hesitate, that love is the answer that will seal our fate.
These old legs have served me well they’ve carried me far from where I dwelled. Rain or shine it matters not. They’ll keep on going until they stop.